I know for a fact that right now most of us don’t have that same motivation we had when we first started school or university. So I’m going to post my back to school/university post, I may be 2 months late but I believe that now is the time where we actually need the motivation.
Don’t stick to routine:
In order to stay motivated you must enjoy what you’re doing. Sticking to the same routine of studying in your room every single day it very boring!! Try to study somewhere else, maybe a library or a quiet café! Trust me it works, especially a library because seeing others busy doing their work will motivate you to do yours.
Keeping track:

Organize your time:

Must of the time we tend to take a lot of
notes, we just write notes after notes but we NEVER actually learn them and
this is the main reason why student don’t do so well. Yes you’re notes look colorful
and nerdy but what’s the use if you haven’t actually learnt anything.
Enjoy studying! Make it interesting, play
some calm music while you’re studying, watch youtube videos on the topic you’re
studying, most of the time the videos are full of humour and animation you’ll
be surprised with what you might find.
Don’t schedule a break:
Must of the time this is how students
organize their time:
9:00 – 11:00 Math
11:00 – 11:30 Break
This is a plan I follow for maximum 3 days
because it just makes me hate studying! If you’re studying and you feel like nothing
is going into your mind then stop! Have a break, leave your room then come back
and study. If you want another break 20 minutes after that then do that! Just
as long as you cover all the work you need to do on that day then take as many
breaks as you want! You’ve got 24 hours in a day and lets say you sleep for 9
hours that leaves 15 hours for you to complete your daily goal!
Before studying imagine yourself holding
your results and getting straight As! No seriously what makes you any different
than the students that do? You all study the same books, have the same
teachers, so why not you?
Anyway I must go back to my coursework lol I
hope this blog helps you get those straight As for your upcoming exams!
Study well & Good Luck <3
Lots of love
The Girl In The Headscarf