When one door closes another opens.
I never quite understood what was meant by this phrase, but now as I look back at my life I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that even if it’s something we wish would never happen, they are for the best. I believe that we are made for a reason and that every time we forget our purpose, God gives us a sign to remind us that he exists and that he controls all that is happening around us. I thank God for everything that has ever happened to me. I thank him for all those times I’ve cried and I’ve felt weak, for without those feelings I wouldn’t have known how much I needed him. If I weren’t upset I don’t think I would’ve been close to him as I am now. I know that that is why he put me through some of the obstacles I've been through, he knows life is so easy with him he knows I need him because he protects me, he cares for me, he forgives me, he gives me happiness… He loves me <3
Sometimes we are so lost with all that is happening around us that we forget that if he wants he could cut off everything good in our lives like family, friends, wealth, health etc. But every day he gives us a chance to turn to him, tell me who in the world would wait this long for you?
Have you ever
sat and thought, “I can be so much more than the person I am today”?
Well it's been on my mind all day today and it reminds me of my visit to Kurdistan, a year and a
half had passed since I was last home. Surprisingly I noticed a change in the
situation of the country (Kurdistan) yet the people were exactly the way I left them. I spoke to many and asked a few of them the same question yet most were unable to give me a clear-cut answer.
My question was, “So what’s are your
At first they'd laugh giving them a few seconds to think of a goal to say, but none were able to
say "my goal is to... "
I don’t understand, Why is it so hard
to have a goal? To actually wake up everyday taking a step towards something we want to achieve. We know we’ve got the talent and skills yet we neglect it
and think we aren’t good enough.
The one thing I've learnt is to never live for others, to never try to please others because you know what? not everyone is going to like you or accept you. And you know what? their opinions don't matter. so try to set a goal, one that makes YOU happy and be the person you know you can be.
The person you’ll be proud to look at in the mirror.
Before I advise you I'm advising myself, today I thought of who I am, who I've become and compared it to who I'd like to be, the better me, the future me and I realised that I've come a long way yet the journey never ends. The journey stops with my last breath and so when the angel comes and I depart this world I wish I can end life's journey with a smile, I wish to end the journey feeling proud of who I've become.
The Girl In The Headscarf
One of the best feeling in the world is
knowing that you are loved by others. Coming back after over a year without
seeing my friends or even speaking to some surprised me, seeing them all hug me
and talk to me as though I never left meant the world to me.
I realized so much about true friendship. I
realized that the friends that stay forever are the ones that anyway accepted
me the way I am.
I also realized that if a friendship is
based on secrets then I’d rather you pull away now. Friendship isn’t about oh
you know my secret so tell me yours. It’s where a friend never asks you about
your personal life and just enjoys spending time with you, talking and laughing
about different topics (NOT about people, because whatever you say is now a
secret between you two).
Another thing I learnt about true
friendship is that you do not need to talk to each other every single day or go
out every day. It’s the feeling they give you in the inside, where you know you
have someone who loves you and will always support you.
Lastly, I believe that you can’t just choose someone and think hmmm he/she will be an awesome
best friend! Best friends take a long time but just know that the people who
love you are not always the ones who text you or go out with you all the time,
they are the invisibles ones who are always there to listen to you and advice
you whenever you’ve wanted someone to be there.
After an hour delay, I am on the
plane back to London. I’m flying back to where I live leaving the land I call
home. I hadn’t been back for around a year and a half since I last stepped out
of the country to pursue my education. My visit was for only 6 days yet I did
so much that I don’t regret the long journey here for the short stay.
A lot has changed since I left, the streets
of Hawler aren’t what they used to be, the faces of my people no longer beam in
happiness and excitement. My country is weak yet strong enough to show the
world that they can overcome any obstacle. My country doesn’t deserve this,
with the economy at its lowest, where salaries aren’t being paid for months
now, where malls and cafes barely hold the teenagers who once brought life to it.
I met friends and family, they all smile
and laugh though they feel miserable with what is happening, as they hold onto
the hope that the land will raise once again.
I come back feeling different, I come back
wanting to change the land I call home, I come back wanting to once again
return and bring hope to my people.
I will miss you Kurdistan.
I will miss the “Bakherbayt” wherever I
I will miss the “Salam Sarchaw” wherever I
My Kurdistan I have hope in you
My Kurdistan you will not break
My Kurdistan be strong for this will pass,
and the happy days will come
My Kurdistan stay safe and farewell
We call this humanity?
Where love and respect varies
Between Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
We call this bringing peace?
Instead of dropping weapons
Bombs are dropped on streets.
A child unable to speak but only cry
Sees his mother covered in blood, but
doesn’t know why.
A child unable to understand but feel
Is hungry, for where is his mother with his
A child so innocent and so alone,
Doesn’t know he’s on LIVE.
For in other parts of the world
He’s on their screens
Yet they’re all at the living room table
Ignoring him, living like kings and queens.
Tell me again why we label others, as
though there’s no connection?
As a child you and I have been surrounded by love
and affection,
So what makes a Muslim, Jewish or Christian child any different?
So what makes a Muslim, Jewish or Christian child any different?
I know for a fact that right now most of us don’t have that same motivation we had when we first started school or university. So I’m going to post my back to school/university post, I may be 2 months late but I believe that now is the time where we actually need the motivation.
Don’t stick to routine:
In order to stay motivated you must enjoy what you’re doing. Sticking to the same routine of studying in your room every single day it very boring!! Try to study somewhere else, maybe a library or a quiet café! Trust me it works, especially a library because seeing others busy doing their work will motivate you to do yours.
Keeping track:

Organize your time:

Must of the time we tend to take a lot of
notes, we just write notes after notes but we NEVER actually learn them and
this is the main reason why student don’t do so well. Yes you’re notes look colorful
and nerdy but what’s the use if you haven’t actually learnt anything.
Enjoy studying! Make it interesting, play
some calm music while you’re studying, watch youtube videos on the topic you’re
studying, most of the time the videos are full of humour and animation you’ll
be surprised with what you might find.
Don’t schedule a break:
Must of the time this is how students
organize their time:
9:00 – 11:00 Math
11:00 – 11:30 Break
This is a plan I follow for maximum 3 days
because it just makes me hate studying! If you’re studying and you feel like nothing
is going into your mind then stop! Have a break, leave your room then come back
and study. If you want another break 20 minutes after that then do that! Just
as long as you cover all the work you need to do on that day then take as many
breaks as you want! You’ve got 24 hours in a day and lets say you sleep for 9
hours that leaves 15 hours for you to complete your daily goal!
Before studying imagine yourself holding
your results and getting straight As! No seriously what makes you any different
than the students that do? You all study the same books, have the same
teachers, so why not you?
Anyway I must go back to my coursework lol I
hope this blog helps you get those straight As for your upcoming exams!
Study well & Good Luck <3
Lots of love
The Girl In The Headscarf