I can be so much more than the person I am today
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Have you ever
sat and thought, “I can be so much more than the person I am today”?
Well it's been on my mind all day today and it reminds me of my visit to Kurdistan, a year and a
half had passed since I was last home. Surprisingly I noticed a change in the
situation of the country (Kurdistan) yet the people were exactly the way I left them. I spoke to many and asked a few of them the same question yet most were unable to give me a clear-cut answer.
My question was, “So what’s are your
At first they'd laugh giving them a few seconds to think of a goal to say, but none were able to
say "my goal is to... "
I don’t understand, Why is it so hard
to have a goal? To actually wake up everyday taking a step towards something we want to achieve. We know we’ve got the talent and skills yet we neglect it
and think we aren’t good enough.
The one thing I've learnt is to never live for others, to never try to please others because you know what? not everyone is going to like you or accept you. And you know what? their opinions don't matter. so try to set a goal, one that makes YOU happy and be the person you know you can be.
The person you’ll be proud to look at in the mirror.
Before I advise you I'm advising myself, today I thought of who I am, who I've become and compared it to who I'd like to be, the better me, the future me and I realised that I've come a long way yet the journey never ends. The journey stops with my last breath and so when the angel comes and I depart this world I wish I can end life's journey with a smile, I wish to end the journey feeling proud of who I've become.
The Girl In The Headscarf