the rest of the world get all excited from the word “Shopping” I am that one
person out of the group of friends who sighs and has no choice but to drag
herself along. I know, how is it possible for a girl to hate shopping! Well I’m
going to point out 5 reasons as to why I dread shopping…
Too Many Choices: Nearly all
clothes shops sell similar items. This really frustrates me. So I can’t
just go to one shop and buy what I want, because there is this tiny voice in my
head saying “What if some other shop sells one much more prettier than that” so
then I’m in a situation where I’m holding an item and having second thoughts. So
most of the time I end up spending hours going from shop to shop searching for
that perfect one! Then when I’ve found THE ONE, I realize that I’ve spent hours
searching for an item and just wish I could’ve spent those hours more wisely.
Hijabi Problems: Okay so let's say I’m not really bothered to search from shop to shop. I’ve picked out a few
items that I really like! So I’m carrying all the hangers in one hand, my bag
in the other and walk straight to the fitting room! If I’m lucky and I don’t
need to wait 30 minutes (in which case I just walk out the shop without the
items). I head into a fitting room (hopefully one with a lock). The first thing
I have to do it take my scarf off, because the big fat flower clip under my
scarf makes my head too big to go through the neck hole thingy I now have to
take out all my pins, the scarf, the piece under the scarf and the big fat
flower clip lol. So in addition to all that dressing up, I now will be spending
a good 5 minutes putting my scarf on again lol.
Waiting In The Queue: So let’s
say todays my lucky day, I’ve chosen what I want to buy, I’ve tried it on in the
changing room plus the extra 5 minutes and now I walk proudly to the till. The next mission is actually paying for the
items, because sometimes some shops just want to torture their customers by
opening only 1 or 2 tills out of the 9 tills, so we have no choice but to wait for around 20
minutes to pay hahaha.
Carrying The Bags: They say
beauty is pain, and I guess fashion also gives us pain, because now we have to
carry our handbag along with the heavy bags of shopping, we have no chose but
to walk around with all those bags for the rest of the day, what enjoy!
Different Tastes: Finally
arriving home, with my fingers marked with white lines. It is time for the home
runway, this is the part of the day where my family sit in the living
room and a very proud me cat walks from my room to the living room stopping
infront of them, doing that side pose and wait for a reaction, let me just say
me and mother have different tastes so 80% of the time I get the “OMG I can’t
believe you bought that” look from her. I’ll let you guess what happens next
:D !!
next time
of Love
Girl In The Headscarf
Have you ever felt uncomfortable being
around someone simply because you know very well that they aren’t being
themselves? That every single sentence that comes out of their mouth is a lie in
order to impress you? Don’t you just hate it?
Because of these experiences I’ve
personally had with people, I wanted to make sure that before I teach myself
everything about elegance, I must first and foremost learn how to be elegant
from within before walking around balancing a book on my head lol.
So how can I be self-confident?
For several weeks I’ve been researching on
what exactly are the main points I should take into account in order to improve
on my inner elegance.
It all came down to the 3 F’s: Filtering, Focusing and Finding
Firstly cleanse your surroundings, just like
how water is filtered, you must filter toxic people from your life. People who
make you feel inferior, people who throw words at you to bring you down and people
who do not wish to see you succeed. I’m not saying unfriend them on Facebook
and unfollow them on twitter and Instagram, or ignore their messages. I mean
try to stay away from them and start being around people who make you feel good
about yourself, people who have goals and ambitions. Those people bring out
that unique and special person you really are!
Stop thinking about your problems and your
regrets, look forward. Instead focus on solutions to your problems and the
goals you wish to achieve. Learn to
forgive yourself and the people around you. Keep looking forward and never
look back because staying in the past wont get you closer to the person you’re
striving to be.
Learn to love yourself, learn to see how
beautiful you are, we are all unique in our own way. We all have that one thing
that makes us beautiful, find it! Whether it’s your personality, sense of
humor, talent etc. Learn to express yourself and take pride in the things you
do. Find something that you are good at. There must be something even if it seems
small, others will see it differently, trust me. There are so many times I
would do something and find it normal but the people around me found it amazing
and I looked at them like they’re mental hahaha but later on I learnt to take
pride in the things I do and learnt to accept compliments from other people of
the things I do.
You are beautiful, you are talented, you
are special, there is no one else in the world like you so look in the mirror,
smile and accept you!
Lots of Love
The Girl In The Headscarf
After researching for quite some time, I reached
a conclusion as to why some people are able to attract other people’s attention.
What is it about their character that makes them so attractive?
For example, if we were to look at famous
movies, we might have noticed certain women that are very attracting. Women like
Bullock and Lily Collins in The Blind Side, Kate
Winslet in Titanic and Sense & Sensibility, Carey Mulligan in The Great Gatspy and Keira Knightly in Pride and Prejudice.

Personally I love watching them, I love the
way the characters carry themselves, the way they walk, talk, dress etc. But the
question is what is it that we find so amazing about them?
They’re Elegant.
What's so amazing about being elegant?
Well, think about it yourself. Have you
ever come across someone who you wish you could be like? It maybe someone who you
find to be so beautiful in the inside, someone who has a lot of self-
confidence, someone who is always happy and positive or maybe you admire the
fact that they are respected by everyone else, someone who just seems to have
the perfect life!
If you have come across that someone who
has all these qualities or even one, then that person has shown the characteristic
of being elegant.
It has been a few weeks I’ve been
researching on elegance, because growing up I have always had a picture in mind of the person I wanted
to be. Every year I have a version of how I wish the future me could be. This
year I picture my future self to be an independent and respected
elegant woman. I wish to learn a lot about etiquette because as Giorgio Armani says "Elegance is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered."
I am going to take you with me on the journey to my better understanding on How to be Elegant. Whatever I have learnt I will post in Part 2.
For now, I wish you a lovely day !
The Girl In The Headscarf