After researching for quite some time, I reached
a conclusion as to why some people are able to attract other people’s attention.
What is it about their character that makes them so attractive?
For example, if we were to look at famous
movies, we might have noticed certain women that are very attracting. Women like
Bullock and Lily Collins in The Blind Side, Kate
Winslet in Titanic and Sense & Sensibility, Carey Mulligan in The Great Gatspy and Keira Knightly in Pride and Prejudice.

Personally I love watching them, I love the
way the characters carry themselves, the way they walk, talk, dress etc. But the
question is what is it that we find so amazing about them?
They’re Elegant.
What's so amazing about being elegant?
Well, think about it yourself. Have you
ever come across someone who you wish you could be like? It maybe someone who you
find to be so beautiful in the inside, someone who has a lot of self-
confidence, someone who is always happy and positive or maybe you admire the
fact that they are respected by everyone else, someone who just seems to have
the perfect life!
If you have come across that someone who
has all these qualities or even one, then that person has shown the characteristic
of being elegant.
It has been a few weeks I’ve been
researching on elegance, because growing up I have always had a picture in mind of the person I wanted
to be. Every year I have a version of how I wish the future me could be. This
year I picture my future self to be an independent and respected
elegant woman. I wish to learn a lot about etiquette because as Giorgio Armani says "Elegance is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered."
I am going to take you with me on the journey to my better understanding on How to be Elegant. Whatever I have learnt I will post in Part 2.
For now, I wish you a lovely day !
The Girl In The Headscarf